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Friday 30 May 2014

Useful Tips to Heal the Issue of Vitiligo

One of the patients was a pilot, so he has to find the sun was harmless, it was "cold". This influenced the speed of treatment. Cause progression can find at the resort, as the southern sun especially hot.

Useful Tips - The diet of the patient is necessary to include plenty of vegetables, fruit, and greens. To be precise, must be present in the diet of spinach, parsley, green onions, celery, cabbage, bell pepper, as well as apples, lemons, strawberries and apricots. Still necessary to insist Briar and drink it (has a negative impact on the teeth, so after taking should rinse your mouth). Three times a day is recommended to eat six to seven grams of figs, and then drink water (boiled necessarily) take the juice from one part of the potato, one of the five parts of carrot and parsnip.

Vitiligo is known as Skin disease, the main feature of which - the development of discolored spots from dysfunction of melanocytes expressed in loss of an enzyme involved in the process of pigment is called vitiligo. Depigmentation may occur in the skin and hair, and in the retina of the eye. In most cases, vitiligo starts at a younger age.

Treatment of vitiligo - Since the nature and mechanism of the disease are not fully understood, there remains the problem of effective treatment of vitiligo. There are standard methods of treatment of this disease is not present. Patients are assigned to drugs that increase the skin's sensitivity to UV radiation.

- Vitiligo treatment with vitamin therapy:

The effect of supplementation is noticeable when therapy vitiligo involves irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 320-390 nm gives good results irradiation of the skin of the patient helium-neon laser. The effectiveness of therapy vitiligo is enhanced by inclusion in treatment drugs copper and ascorbic acid gives a positive result in patients with vitiligo treatment immunomodulatory drugs.

Vitiligo treatment with vitamin therapy is recommended to conduct on certain schemes. Rubbed into the discolored patches juice, infusion or decoction of herbs is able to give some effect. However, overseas demand is growing method of radical surgical treatment of vitiligo. Produced specially trained transplant donor areas of the skin that is fast and safe, but not painless treatment for this disease.

Stress is able to trigger the development of vitiligo. Permanent psychological stress caused by vitiligo patient increased attention environment. This is how the chain of positive feedback between traumatic psyche factor and its consequences ... Increasing psychological stability is achieved by patients receiving tonic and restorative drugs.

Marked interdependence of the liver disease and vitiligo - In some cases of liver disease vitiligo treatment led not only to the restoration of its functions, but also to complete recovery from focal depigmentation. Deworming vitiligo patients repeatedly made similar result. Vitiligo patients should avoid direct sun exposure, and at the exit of the premises to use sunscreen.

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